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sreda 15.maj 2024 - 02:18 i Informacije

Razmere v gorah

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Wieselsteine (Tom, 21.02.2015)

9 "sunhunters" from 4 different nations tried to escape the expected bad weather...and nearly scceeded!

Izhodišče: Golling - Pass Lueg

from Pass Lueg through a steep wooden passage we reach a small mountain-hut called "Berglerhütte", then continue via Niedertörl to the plateau of Tennengebirge. After traversing a small part of the plateau we are caught by the strong southern wind called "Föhn" in german language. So on the summit it’s not very cute and we break off our original plan to pass the plateau further to Scheiblingkogel... we go back down again to Pass Lueg via some different line on the right side of Hochtörl

snow conditions not really bad - some drifted powder changes with Harsch/Kloža in the upper part and down below in the wooden passage some old pršič



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