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sobota 20.april 2024 - 00:37 i Informacije

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Najlepša NOČNA SMUKA se nam obeta 22.12.99 (Jurij)

Približujemo se zimskemu solsticiju in noči postajajo vse daljše in daljše. Popoldanske turne smuke pa vse krajše in krajše. Ni pa vse tako črno, kot se na prvi pogled vidi, kajti ravno najdaljša noč bo tudi najsvetlejša. Luna bo zasijala v vsem svojem sijaju in bo, kot obljubljajo astronomi, tudi najsvetlejša v tem stoletju. Ta veličasten dogodek se bo zgodil 22. decembra, na prvi dan zime. Torej, upajmo na lepo vreme in proslavimo prvi dan zime in najsvetlejšo noč stoletja na PRAVI nočni smuki.

Kogar zanima bolj strokovna razlaga si lahko prebere naslednje vrstice:

This year will be the first full moon to occur on the winter solstice, Dec. 22, commonly called the first day of winter, in 133 years. Since a full moon on the winter solstice is occurring in conjunction witha lunar perigee (point in the moon's orbit that is closest to Earth), the moon will appear about 14% larger than it does at apogee (the point in its elliptical orbit that is farthest from the Earth). This will make it appear brighter.
The Earth is also several million miles closer to the sun, than in the summer. Thus the sunlight striking the moon is about 7% stronger, making it still brighter. Also, this will be the closest perigee of the Moon of the year. (The moon's orbit is constantly deforming due to variances in the Earth's gravitational field.) If the weather is clear and there isn't a snow cover where you live, it is possible that even car headlights will be superfluous. On December 21st, 1866, the Lakota Sioux took advantage of this combination of occurrences and staged a devastating retaliatory night ambush on soldiers in the Wyoming Territory.

In layman's terms it will be a super bright full moon, much more than the usual AND it hasn't happened this way for 133 years! Our ancestors 133 years ago saw this. Our descendants 100 or so years from now will see this again. Some of you should find this interesting!
Remember, this will happen December 22, 1999.



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