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Note 44.61 MOUNT-L 61 of 517 CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 20 lines 26-FEB-1992 10:00
CUPIDO::STRITAR "Andrej Stritar,IJS,(61)-371-321" 20 lines 26-FEB-1992 10:00
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 14:30:41 EST
Reply-To: Mountaineering Discussion List 'MOUNT-L'
Sender: Mountaineering Discussion List 'MOUNT-L'
From: Rusty
Subject: Providence Climbing

Hey all you guys in providence! I know your all starved for some great climbing
but have realized that there isn't too much to do in and around Prov except fo
r the bouldering at lincoln woods-- well here is the solution! Check out the ar
tificial traverse on the wall on the bridge betweeen the train station and the
civic center. look for a 100' traverse and 4-5 40' up routes which can be TRed
really easily. The difficulty ranges from 5.9 - 5.11. It's a good crank!

Also I'm really stoked about the new gym in Pawtucket, but have heard that i
t is only 22' high. Sounds like it will pale in comparison with these vandalist
works of art.

If you're interested in climbing either of these areas, contact me through e
-mail, or write me at box 2544 Prov, RI 02912 (especially if you have a car!)
-Rusty Howson


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